Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Masalah mesin tanpa tenaga, pada KIA CARENS tahun 2000 Otomatis

1. Mobil awalnya baik-baik saja setelah 2 minggu pemakaian, tiba-tiba lampu indikator mundur (R) mati, ditambah lagi lampu putih untuk mundur di belakang juga ikut mati

2. Selang beberapa hari kemudian mesin terasa kurang bertenaga, mesin ngempos, tidak kuat nanjak bahkan tidak kuat melewati polisi tidur menggunakan Drive (D), harus pinda persneling ke posisi 2 atau 1

Switcher inhibitor rusak, sudah tidak berfungsi, setelah diganti semua berjalan normal
1. Lampu indikator di speedo meter untuk mundur (R) kembali menyala
2. Lampu mundur di belakang kembali menyala
2. Mesin kembali bertenaga, matic terasa kickingnya pada saat perpindahan persneling dari posisi Neutral (N) ke posisi Drive (D)

Sejauh ini mobil terasa nikmat, mesin halus dan bertenaga, nanti saya update lagi ya soal si KIA Carens ini,

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

You Wait and See...!!!!

At the beginning, we started this idea as one of the best idea, but it ended so quick, less than two months and makes you wander if its true R ask me to join his project and start the business together with E and S,  I accept since the project was so great and the opportunity is well planned,

After a while, I feel like I was losing my grip over the project, somehow they think I'm too slow... which I think -on the other hand- they're the one who didn't know what to do and simply go round at everything. after 2 weeks, E asking to pull the project to herself and do it under our brand and begin the business together with S and finally pull the exhibition out by herself, with great result...

On the other hand, my project with other partner are having a bad start and communication. on the day, 6-10 June, my project was a disaster the booth didn't go as planned, additional cost was way out of the budget and my team was scattered.

Partnership didn't go as we wanted, D was cynical and didn't share everything openly


So what it looks like from the outside is like this...
the job E + S did was way better the the job that I did simply like that...

*damn* its not fair.

and finally, E + S decided to go their own way and leave the arrangement we made -just like that- honestly this rock my world since R is my good friend, more that you imagine, his decision to keep me instead of leaving me makes me wonder, am I worth it? do I really that good? or am I rally that bad in the eyes of our partners? one thing for sure, I'm going to show them how to run the project, and how to start this shit without them I'm gonna make it big... and leave you all behind

You wait and see...!!!

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Lama Ga Nulis

Sudah dari tanggal 24 Oktober gue di Fortune Adwicipta, salah satu anak perusahaan Fortune Indonesia yang menangani Exhibition.

disini gue di perkenalkan dengan Pak Aris COO Fortune Indonesia,
I have a lot to learn.. sebagai simbol, beliau kelihatannya biasa aja,
leadr yang cukup cepat dalam memutuskan tapi juga realistis.

tapi bukan itu yang mau gue share, its how to make Fortune survive for 40 years ?!!? that the real question...

mulai dari mana ?

Manpower.. cuma beberapa aja yang tetap, sisanya turn over karyawan sangat tinggi... hampir tiap minggu ada pemberitahuan staff keluar atau staff masuk..apakah di fortune Indonesia atau di anak perusahaan,

muka2 baru terus bermunculan...tidak ada yang tahu pasti mereka ada di
mana posisinya apa..dan datang dari perusahaan apa sebelumnya yang jelas mereka sekarang staff di fortune group,yang tetap hanya tim support dan head of department aja.

system, finance system dan IT adalah 2 system yang memang sudah solid, tapi kalo urusan monitoring, that's amazing, the do the weekly report for all of our projects !!

great isn't it? you can monitor how much money they owe you and how much money we owe the vendor and how big is our current sales and GP..

I think that's what keeping the on their toes...

I should make note to that.

*checked !

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

another ide idea 3

that's the website, yang mampu mencuri perhatian hari ini.
situsnya menyediakan konten yang fokus pada konteks oleh konsumen.

detailnya gini, kalo pake bahasa saya.
banyak brand yang membuat website mengenai produk dan jasa mereka, mulai dari perusahaan kecil sampai perusahaan besar.

brand yang diproduksi rumahan sampai brand besar dan di dunia maya semuanya hanya dibedakan dengan sebaris url saja.

jadi bagaimana mencarinya... google ! great... google menyediakan search engine, tapi again yang keluar adalah random website. google tidak memanage contentnya, tidak mengaturnya tidak menjabarkan kelebihannya antara satu website dengan website lainnya.

so, adalah solusinya, mereka mengumpulkan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan wanita: fashion, lifestyle, kesehatan, special promo, keluarga - all about women. tapi jangan salah, bukan content yang dia sediakan tapi network.

setiap page klik akan mengantarkan kita ke website yang kita cari -neat huh?!-
dan memilihkannya buat internet user, that's it...

it's a platform, just like google said.. it's a platform.. (there I've said it again just to let u know how important it is to aim for platform services)

my idea is to create platform for entertainment in asia.

why asia, growing business, massive market, and lots of potential partners.

why entertainment. this is the commodity that never out of style, people around the world are looking for it almost every second, just to get out from their everyday lives.

and we (asians) have the opportunity to provide it all... oriental style..

let's make it our next year resolution.

see you online.

Kamis, 30 September 2010

ide membuat website

Judul websitenya
Jakarta Creative Community

Tampilannya seperti tapi banyak menampilkan foto dan karakter orang jakarta.

mulai dari freelancer, tatto artist, web designer

idenya dari New York City

wish me luck

Rabu, 29 September 2010

another ide idea 2

small business associates, fundrising.

put your 50.000 to support small business project financing.

case study iwel, butuh 15 juta untuk project cetakan, "cuma 15 juta" yang kalo dibagi 100 orang cuma 150rb..quite small to help the business.

make it happened, the mesh style.

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