Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

brief PnG

Competitivity study of the tuna subsector: Papua New Guinea.
Part One: Diagnosis of the processing subsector of tuna.
1.1. Vision of the economy of Papua New Guinea.
1.2. General Information
1.2.1. History of Productivity and Competitivity of the sector.
1.2.2. Exterior Commerce: Regulations, barriers, commercial agreements with Third Countries and incentives for the export market. Statistics of the most relevant or key commercial exterior commerce (volumes, values and prices).
1.3. Government Sector
1.3.1. Macro economical and social conditions
1.3.2. Risks and benefits for the private production sector.
1.3.3. Business Climate.
1.4. Financial Sector
1.4.1. Availability of financing.
1.5. The Fishing sector in Papua New Guinea: Subsector Tuna processing.
1.5.1. Everything about the tuna processing sector: Legal area of control, normative, Employment (Hourly costs), Production, consummation per capita.
1.5.2. Production and Commercialization: Products, presentations.
Part Two: BENCHMARKING Papua New Guinea.
2. Market Data
2.1. Market demands of the countries that will import the processed tuna.
2.2. Description of- and information about the distribution channels
2.3. Promotion and commercialization strategy
2.3.1. Promotional strategy for the tuna processing subsector
2.3.2. Geographical diversification strategy
2.3.3. Market maintaining strategies and strategies for the brand positioning, including information of the origins (brand/country) of the products
2.3.4. Strategical alliances between processors.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

This is the first time

This came as shocking to me as it might be to you, after all this time, this is the first time I really said what I want, and how I want it. I've never done this before.. I mean in a consciously I act in harmony between my mind and my mouth...

first. about my job. I want to have a better job and opportunity and this should have been my time now... usually whether caused by fear or hesitation, I tend to lower my salary expected. sad is it?

but not today... I said it with confidence and enuff argument to back it up...I am experienced and well prepared now.. this should have been done looong time ago.

second. about my life, I want to have more attention from you. you never really care about me do you...what you really care about is yourself and how you would get it.
today. I said what I want and feel...I dont like this and I want to be treated differently from now on.

and...that feels awesome...and doing it in a conscious mind make it even better.

I wonder why I didnt do it all this time...

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