Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

another ide idea 3


that's the website, yang mampu mencuri perhatian hari ini.
situsnya menyediakan konten yang fokus pada konteks oleh konsumen.

detailnya gini, kalo pake bahasa saya.
banyak brand yang membuat website mengenai produk dan jasa mereka, mulai dari perusahaan kecil sampai perusahaan besar.

brand yang diproduksi rumahan sampai brand besar dan di dunia maya semuanya hanya dibedakan dengan sebaris url saja.

jadi bagaimana mencarinya... google ! great... google menyediakan search engine, tapi again yang keluar adalah random website. google tidak memanage contentnya, tidak mengaturnya tidak menjabarkan kelebihannya antara satu website dengan website lainnya.

so, glam.com adalah solusinya, mereka mengumpulkan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan wanita: fashion, lifestyle, kesehatan, special promo, keluarga - all about women. tapi jangan salah, bukan content yang dia sediakan tapi network.

setiap page klik akan mengantarkan kita ke website yang kita cari -neat huh?!-
dan glam.com memilihkannya buat internet user, that's it...

it's a platform, just like google said.. it's a platform.. (there I've said it again just to let u know how important it is to aim for platform services)

my idea is to create platform for entertainment in asia.

why asia, growing business, massive market, and lots of potential partners.

why entertainment. this is the commodity that never out of style, people around the world are looking for it almost every second, just to get out from their everyday lives.

and we (asians) have the opportunity to provide it all... oriental style..

let's make it our next year resolution.

see you online.

Kamis, 30 September 2010

ide membuat website

Judul websitenya
Jakarta Creative Community

Tampilannya seperti starakses.com tapi banyak menampilkan foto dan karakter orang jakarta.

mulai dari freelancer, tatto artist, web designer

idenya dari meshing.it New York City www.nwcny.com

wish me luck

Rabu, 29 September 2010

another ide idea 2

small business associates, fundrising.

put your 50.000 to support small business project financing.

case study iwel, butuh 15 juta untuk project cetakan, "cuma 15 juta" yang kalo dibagi 100 orang cuma 150rb..quite small to help the business.

make it happened, the mesh style.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

another ide idea

ada 2 ide
yang pertama belum pernah ada event yang menggelar the biggest cuci gudang
betul-betul barang2 dari gudang, yang dikeluarin dan memang akan dijual.

lahan parkir, gelar baju, pakaian, meja, pernak-pernik dll, kulkas bekas,
pilihan lokasi event di parkir timur senayan people have their own car parked there and menggelar dagangannya
ya atau pake sistem tenda arab deh...

start this in community scale small to medium

the mesh..


idenya adalah untuk melakukan sharing property sehingga mengurangi biaya liability

Minggu, 26 September 2010

Here's an Idea

Refleksiology sudah menjadi bagian hidup sebagian masyarakat perkotaan,
saya sendiri, mulai merasakan pijat refleksi semenjak tahun 2004 di jakarta.

perkenalan itu dimulai karena tempat pijat refleksi punya lokasi yang strategis di sebelah kantor istri, jadi selesai menjemput saya dan istri langsung pijat.

lama-lama nagih, tapi yang lebih penting, therapistnya.
dia harus,
1. konsisten dalam memijat...jangan kenceng di awal tapi lembek di akhir
2. knowledgable, musti ngerti titik2 refleksi yang ada di kaki.
3. tau kapan musti ngomong atau tutup mulut saat memijat.

so semalam saya bertemu dengan tukang pijat langganan saya, dia bawa masternya Helmi, betul2 hebat pijitannya, bukan cuma memenuhi 3 kriteria diatas dia juga ternyata mengerti bisnisnya

berdasarkan cerita dia sudah membesarkan 3 pijit refleksi di jakarta, 1 di pondok indah, DHC, di seberang rumah sakit pondok indah. 2 di kemang dengan Mas Iwan, yang ke 3. di kemang juga (sekitar Hero Kemang) yang merupakan bagian bisnisnya Sophie Martin, pinter juga sophie martin, memperkenalkan ramuan SPA dan lotion tubuh melalui refleksology..

so this is what I have in mind, make full exhibition of traditionla medicine,
or therapist session
or health and care

or just simply provide pijat kaki @venue for every event we have

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Tech Camp

So here's an Idea i could use,

Tech Camps..hmm what to do there ?
Notebook basic setting
wi-fi basic
it's not about learning
it's about networking using technology
foursquare activity
speed sms
blackberry tent
Nokia/ovi mail tent
interactive area to handphone
sms broadcast
introducing sms broadcast

main ideanya
networking, self development
using technology

network marketing
business using social media
community base program (creating tech camp community to help other yg buta technology)

CSR melakukan setting internet
tips n trik graphis/computer and software
internet / google tips n trick
opening online store.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Do'a ga lupa

So I am a very forgetful fella,

so this is embarrasing, beberapa dari keterangan tanggal lahir gue ga bisa lengkapin !!! hahaha, parrah ye...daya ingat tanggal lahir orang-orang terdekat gue ternyata sudah dalam taraf akut.

Bini,...yang gue inget ..semua, yg nomor 1 yang gue inget semua, yang nomor 2 yang gue inget cuman bulan sama tahun, yang nomor 2 yang gue inget cuma bulan...kqkqkkq...

semoga tuhan menyisakan daya ingat ku untuk yang lebih baik lagi...


Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010


here's the hottest website I must remember


amazing tutorial sites available on the web

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Pisau bermata 2

A friend of mine came to the office, and look for another way in cracking his brain to solve the problems in his branch,

yes this is about voucherone. but the thing is youre not really doing it.

kalo lo nanya ama gue gimana caranya ya seperti yg gue bilang tadi di meeting, cari di territory tersebut lo punya kompetitor siapa, market kita bagaimana, dalam 3 bulan siapa yang akan lo terjunkan, dan bagaimana lo akan mengarahkan mereka, targetnya apa

dari total RS di sana kira2 berapa yang bisa lo akuisisi,

if you ask me, that's the kind of thing I would do

anyway, you know me, I'd rather have you become hero rather than a loser.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

brief PnG

Competitivity study of the tuna subsector: Papua New Guinea.
Part One: Diagnosis of the processing subsector of tuna.
1.1. Vision of the economy of Papua New Guinea.
1.2. General Information
1.2.1. History of Productivity and Competitivity of the sector.
1.2.2. Exterior Commerce: Regulations, barriers, commercial agreements with Third Countries and incentives for the export market. Statistics of the most relevant or key commercial exterior commerce (volumes, values and prices).
1.3. Government Sector
1.3.1. Macro economical and social conditions
1.3.2. Risks and benefits for the private production sector.
1.3.3. Business Climate.
1.4. Financial Sector
1.4.1. Availability of financing.
1.5. The Fishing sector in Papua New Guinea: Subsector Tuna processing.
1.5.1. Everything about the tuna processing sector: Legal area of control, normative, Employment (Hourly costs), Production, consummation per capita.
1.5.2. Production and Commercialization: Products, presentations.
Part Two: BENCHMARKING Papua New Guinea.
2. Market Data
2.1. Market demands of the countries that will import the processed tuna.
2.2. Description of- and information about the distribution channels
2.3. Promotion and commercialization strategy
2.3.1. Promotional strategy for the tuna processing subsector
2.3.2. Geographical diversification strategy
2.3.3. Market maintaining strategies and strategies for the brand positioning, including information of the origins (brand/country) of the products
2.3.4. Strategical alliances between processors.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

This is the first time

This came as shocking to me as it might be to you, after all this time, this is the first time I really said what I want, and how I want it. I've never done this before.. I mean in a consciously I act in harmony between my mind and my mouth...

first. about my job. I want to have a better job and opportunity and this should have been my time now... usually whether caused by fear or hesitation, I tend to lower my salary expected. sad is it?

but not today... I said it with confidence and enuff argument to back it up...I am experienced and well prepared now.. this should have been done looong time ago.

second. about my life, I want to have more attention from you. you never really care about me do you...what you really care about is yourself and how you would get it.
today. I said what I want and feel...I dont like this and I want to be treated differently from now on.

and...that feels awesome...and doing it in a conscious mind make it even better.

I wonder why I didnt do it all this time...

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Saat masa lalu menyapa,

udah lebih dari 3 tahun ga ketemu si batak gila ini satu..yang kalo ngomong pasti nadanya melengking kayak kejepit lemari

blah...why is it coming again..and disturb my happiness..???

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