Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

This is the first time

This came as shocking to me as it might be to you, after all this time, this is the first time I really said what I want, and how I want it. I've never done this before.. I mean in a consciously I act in harmony between my mind and my mouth...

first. about my job. I want to have a better job and opportunity and this should have been my time now... usually whether caused by fear or hesitation, I tend to lower my salary expected. sad is it?

but not today... I said it with confidence and enuff argument to back it up...I am experienced and well prepared now.. this should have been done looong time ago.

second. about my life, I want to have more attention from you. you never really care about me do you...what you really care about is yourself and how you would get it.
today. I said what I want and feel...I dont like this and I want to be treated differently from now on.

and...that feels awesome...and doing it in a conscious mind make it even better.

I wonder why I didnt do it all this time...

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