Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Pisau bermata 2

A friend of mine came to the office, and look for another way in cracking his brain to solve the problems in his branch,

yes this is about voucherone. but the thing is youre not really doing it.

kalo lo nanya ama gue gimana caranya ya seperti yg gue bilang tadi di meeting, cari di territory tersebut lo punya kompetitor siapa, market kita bagaimana, dalam 3 bulan siapa yang akan lo terjunkan, dan bagaimana lo akan mengarahkan mereka, targetnya apa

dari total RS di sana kira2 berapa yang bisa lo akuisisi,

if you ask me, that's the kind of thing I would do

anyway, you know me, I'd rather have you become hero rather than a loser.

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